Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Surprised I'm Making Another Post, But I Figured You Guys'd Appreciate This

Though I don't imagine there's many of you

Click it to see its entirety!

Seven magpies.


Friday, April 1, 2011

Five Things

This week's prompt proved especially difficult for me; I could not come up with a single item I thought represented Edmonton, much less five.

Going through other peoples, I see a lot of Tim Hortons - coffee, mugs, whathaveyou. While that certainly makes sense, it doesn't really mean Edmonton for me, since I hate coffee, and I rarely run across a Timmy's in my wanderings.

Something historical makes sense as well, but what? A fur hat, perhaps? Or something from back in the day that has "Edmonton" emblazoned across it?

Something snow/cold-related, I guess.

The fact that it was 5 degrees today, and I saw people in shorts and skirts. And I'm okay with that.

And this. Damn you, head office, Y U Send us so many? I don't care that we are in Edmonton, (as I assure you, it's PURELY by virtue of that fact that they DID send us fifty-bajillion) we'd never sell them all at regular price.

Edit: New layout! Because I felt like it. And I wanted something more spring-y. It's even less relevant to the class than the last one, but whatever, because there's only a week left, and there aren't even any more posts to do. Mwaha. Not sure how I feel about the background... the white feels really bright. But I'm not sure if that's because it is, or because I was staring at the darker one for so long that I just think it is... thoughts?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Follow Up on Nature

Just a mild follow-up comment on my comment last week about this crazy crow that likes to attack me. tells me that crows not only remember faces, but they also hold grudges.


Friday, March 18, 2011

Outreach Drag Show/Nature

So! So! I brought you guys a special treat today.

BEHOLD! The Outreach Drag Show!

One of the guys who works at my comic book store is in it - his show name's Kimodo Dragon. ♪

For those too lazy to hit the link, it's on Friday, March 25th, at The Junction (10242 106 ST). Doors open at 7, show'll probably start about 8.

And on to the prompt: Nature!


Well, when I think "nature", I think of the path I walk to work - it's a well-trodden path, but when it rains, it just turns to CLAY. So when it rains and I work, the hems of my pants are usually quite muddy, to say the least. The city hasn't put a sidewalk there, despite the fact that it's a well-traveled route, not bitter but they did just put a bunch of trees around it. Trees that I'm fairly certain are dying, but regardless...

My second thought would be this @#$%ing crazy crow that stalks me.

Not even kidding. It likes to swoop down on me, going for my head, when I pass by a certain clutch of trees on my way to work. I don't want your nest, stupid bird!
But THEN, when I was taking a different route - clear other side of the lot - it's all like "Hey, I'm gonna chase this chick A BLOCK AND A HALF, and across a crowded street!"
Its only around in the fall, but I'm convinced it's hunting me down. Crazy bird...

My THIRD thought would be Robert Munsch's new book, Moose! (Yes, he's still writing... but they're not nearly as much fun since he's not incredibly high anymore, I find.) Basically, this family owns a farm, and one day this moose is wandering around their farm, and they're all "HOSHIT A MOOSE!" and they spray it with a hose and whatnot to try and make it go away.

And I'm just like "What? A moose isn't that big a deal."

'course, I was raised on an acreage, where mooses aren't common, but they're certainly nothing to write home about. Maybe it's different for people in the city?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Catching Up 2.0

It's later than I usually like writing these things - I usually do it Friday procrastination, whoo! but I work tomorrow, and I then got distracted reading old X-men comics - so you'll have to forgive me if I'm even more disjointed than usual.

So, what have I learned...? Well, you'll all remember my problems with quantifying what I've learned, but here we go again.

I still have no fondness in my heart for poetry.

Recalling I walked the Noir murder mystery map. I now know the perfect nook to hide a body in.

Recalling I made the Performance Space map. The Citadel's getting renovated! There is now a Second Cup in there. I approve.

While I've seen Canada personified a few times (read right to left on that first one, btw), I've never seen in done with individual cities, much less Edmonton. Entertaining, to say the least.

And, that I'll have to try and be a bit more adventurous with my walks this summer. Though I imagine my terror of getting lost will probably prevent me, I will try.

And some other stuff I've forgotten at the moment.

Friday, March 4, 2011


I have nothing in particular to write about, so I'll be going with the suggestion, which in its own way is just as difficult.

There's not place in the city that I'm so fond of that I'd have anything substantial to say about it; I could write about City Centre, for I love the cheap theatre and the fact that I don't have to go outside to get there, however in the end it is just a convenient mall for where I live - if I lived anywhere else, I wouldn't go out of my way to visit it.

I could write about work, for being work it's a rather integral part of my life. But it's a total hassle to get to, and were it not for the company I enjoy there, I believe I would transfer to a more convenient location in an instant.

I would be tempted to write about Grant Mac, for once a year I visit there for three full days, coming home only to sleep, for the yearly Anime Convention. But once again, it's hardly the place: it's the people I enjoy.

So, I suppose all I'd have to say - at the risk of sounding trite - is that it's never the physical presence of a place I enjoy, so much as the company.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Moving through the City

How do I move through the city...?

Obliviously, yet confidently, I suppose. I'm a creature of habit, so I travel routes I know - I could do them in my sleep. Yet, at the same time, because of that, I don't pay attention to them. There's many a time where I'm like "Why did that happen?"

Likewise, though I like my little adventures that I go on on occasion, I think it would be hard for me to "drift" - I would be practically frozen in terror as to how I'll get home. When I adventure, I know exactly how to get there, how to get home... that's the only way I can manage to do go outside my comfort bubble. Meticulously planned.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Catching Up

When I was a kid, and I came home from school, my mum would always ask me what I'd learned. I would always answer "nothing", half because I didn't want to have to talk about math anymore than humanly possible, but also because I'd have trouble defining what I'd learned in some classes.

But I suppose I can't get away with saying "nothing" now.

So, if I had to say, I would say I've learned:

That the queer/drag community exists in Edmonton to an extent I never dreamed of,

That there are novels that are actually entertaining that take place in Edmonton outside of Tom Clancy's Endwar. Which I haven't actually read, but hey, Tom Clancy.

That despite Blogger's user-friendly-ness, which is certainly better for large groups of people, I'd still take Livejournal over it any day, myself,

And hopefully, that my fellow students and professor are kind and generous people who'll forgive me for being the mildest bit late with this post.

And probably some other things that I've forgotten at the moment.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Minority Edmonton

I, myself, am about as far from a minority as one can get. Caucasian, middle/upper-middle class, British/Canadian descent. And as I've said before, I like to stick to myself as best I'm able. So, I'm not really one to make a judgment on how minorities are treated in Edmonton.

I like to think they're treated okay - like, there's never been anything in my line of sight, so to speak, to prove otherwise. Obviously, I'm not naive enough to think that this city would be a haven for minorities, but... However, it's also worth noting that I don't really keep an eye on the news, so I really mean it when I say I have no idea.

That said, I do remember one occasion, at work. It was closing time - and I don't mean "five minutes to close" or anything, I mean 9:00 - where a fellow, waiting for his wife (who a co-worker was helping find a book for... something. I vaguely remember it being a really weird book to buy your adult child or something) and this fellow just vehemently rants at me for five, ten minutes about how immigrants are coming and stealing jobs from "hard-working Canadians" and whatnot. Keeping in mind it's closing time, and so I have less patience than usual for this kind of thing.

And I was just like "Wow. These people actually exist?"

But then there was that lady who almost bit my head off for not having a large enough selection of Native American kids books. So.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Mapping the City

From Swing-Along Blog
(Click on it to see it fully; I was too lazy to couldn't resize it to fit the blog width)

Behold! When viewing those Hypercity maps today, it got me pondering.

So, I took the Assassin's Creed II game map (Circa ~1491) and overlaid it on the modern Rome map.

It made me giggle with how well it matched up. Oh, Assassin's Creed. You and your historical accuracy~

Such a nerd.

Anyways! On that note, I will say that maps, to me, are really only something I ever use in video games. When it comes to real life, I'm usually pretty good so long as I have the address for where I'm going and know which way the numbers go up in. (Suffice to say, anywhere the streets aren't numbered, I'll be totally lost. I'M LOOKING AT YOU, EUROPE.)

So having maps that "explore" the city for you, or show you the city in an entirely different manner other than simply North and South, was a rather entertaining experience.

As for the maps in class, I would have to say that the Hypercity maps were my favorite. ♪ Seeing not only how the cities have changed, but how the people's view of them have changed (COLOSSEUM HERE. THAT IS ALL.) was tremendously interesting.

And as for mapping "My Edmonton"? Easily done, as I consider myself quite the rebel when I take a slightly different route to work. Other than than, I'm pretty much like clockwork with where and when I go places.

Friday, January 21, 2011

My Edmonton

Every time the question of what "My Edmonton" is comes up, I flashback to an occasion on a forum, where I was asked "How are things going in Canada anyway? What's it like there? I've always wanted to go there." And I was at a loss for what to say. I went with "It's... cold? Well, even then, not really. Winter's pretty late this year. So it's... fine, I guess. It's home. *shrugs*" For that's exactly what Edmonton is to me  - home. I have no real frame of reference, since I've never really lived anywhere else.

For the where I go in Edmonton, it's a fairly regular thing. I work usually four times a week, down at the big Chapters on 170th, so I bus from the university to the mall, and then walk from there (an unpleasant walk at best in the winter, but rather nice once the weather warms up). On Fridays, I'm done classes at noon, so I go down to City Centre to see a movie - sometimes meandering about, depending on my mood - before going grocery shopping. On pay day Fridays, however, I also go down to a pub on Jasper and meet with some girls from work, and then we go comic book shopping down on Whyte.
I've been known to visit Mill Woods Town Center and Kingsway on occasion, in a search for fabric, but I'm usually not willing to make the trip unless there's a convention coming up, I have a costume to finish, and I can't bum a ride off someone.
Once a year I also go to Grant MacEwan for the annual anime convention - and I only bring this up that I actually know my way around there better than some of the students because of it, a fact I find rather humorous.

Where do I not go... Well, anywhere I have no reason to be. Anywhere I can't get by bus/walking/LRT. I never go anywhere for the sake of being there, and I never explore "just because" (I have a friend who used to do that, drove me nuts), but if I have somewhere I need to go, I'll manage to get there somehow, no matter how long or difficult a trek it might be.
As for how I inhabit it... hm... Well, let's just say, if I could, I'd be a hermit when I grow up.  I stick to myself for the most part, and more often then not I stay home if given the option, but that's the way I like it.