Friday, April 1, 2011

Five Things

This week's prompt proved especially difficult for me; I could not come up with a single item I thought represented Edmonton, much less five.

Going through other peoples, I see a lot of Tim Hortons - coffee, mugs, whathaveyou. While that certainly makes sense, it doesn't really mean Edmonton for me, since I hate coffee, and I rarely run across a Timmy's in my wanderings.

Something historical makes sense as well, but what? A fur hat, perhaps? Or something from back in the day that has "Edmonton" emblazoned across it?

Something snow/cold-related, I guess.

The fact that it was 5 degrees today, and I saw people in shorts and skirts. And I'm okay with that.

And this. Damn you, head office, Y U Send us so many? I don't care that we are in Edmonton, (as I assure you, it's PURELY by virtue of that fact that they DID send us fifty-bajillion) we'd never sell them all at regular price.

Edit: New layout! Because I felt like it. And I wanted something more spring-y. It's even less relevant to the class than the last one, but whatever, because there's only a week left, and there aren't even any more posts to do. Mwaha. Not sure how I feel about the background... the white feels really bright. But I'm not sure if that's because it is, or because I was staring at the darker one for so long that I just think it is... thoughts?


  1. I have to agree by saying that this post was difficult for me as well - the things we come up with, for archival purposes, are they things that signify Edmonton or just things that we can relate to?

    We probably bundle Edmonton, coffee, hockey, and cold together, and take the most effective items to cover these categories. Makes sense for Canada I suppose.

    P.S. I really like the layout - who's the one on the right?

  2. @hx90

    Thanks! That's Deadpool on the right. He got super-popular after they (badly) portrayed him in X-Men Origins. He's a fun guy who likes to break the Fourth Wall.

    It was especially fun when he hung out with Spider-man - they ended up having a "Yo Mama" battle. Good times.
